Glass Half Full or Half Empty? - You Decide!
On the one hand, 2020 business performance has been terrible … but on the other hand, I’m chuffed to bits with what we’ve achieved this year!
2020 Business Performance (compared against our original, pre Covid-19 forecast)
Training Days - down by a shedload*
Revenue - down by more than a shedload*
Profit – What Profit?
So what is there to be chuffed about?
- We survived – not the loftiest of ambitions but, given the carnage of 2020, an achievement in itself.
- We’ll begin 2021 with the same small team as we began 2020 – working less hours but still together as one.
- We continued to make a positive impact on those less fortunate than ourselves. During October, Team MDT clocked up 524 active miles which translated into £1,524 raised for our charity partner – The Gathimba Edwards Foundation
- Our investment of blood, sweat and tears has paid off proving that you can teach an old dog new tricks.
Expanding on point 4 - developing a portfolio of live online training courses from scratch was not a walk in the park but we close out the year having delivered 285 online training hours to a combined total of more than 200 participants with +90% of those saying that our training courses had either fully met or exceeded their expectations.
Online course titles have included: Introduction to the Oil & Gas Industry, E&P Accounting – Level 1 & Level 2, Contracts Strategy, Leadership and Negotiation Skills.
Participants have tuned in from near and far, including: Angola, Australia, Gabon, Greece, Kenya, Mozambique, Nigeria, Trinidad & Tobago, Uganda and the UK.
Our sincere thanks to those participants and their companies for supporting our training courses this year.
And a huge thanks to all those that parted with their hard-earned cash in support of our Active October fundraising campaign.
We go again next year and are optimistic (half-full) that we’ll get back to face-to-face training at some point during 2021. But for Q1, we have a range of live online courses on offer and look forward to welcoming either returning and/or new participants.
And once again, we look forward to supporting the Gathimba Edwards Foundation – a small charity making a big impact!
*Shedload is a highly technical accounting term meaning 'heaps'